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Snapchat Planets: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Their Order and Meaning

Snapchat isn’t just about snaps and stories; it’s a universe of its own with mysteries like the Snapchat Planets. Ever noticed those quirky little planets in your friend’s profile and wondered what they mean?

You’re not alone! In 2024, Snapchat has revamped these cosmic icons, turning them into a more vibrant part of our chat experience.

Let’s dive into what these celestial symbols are and unlock the secrets they hold. This guide promises a simple explanation, making the cosmic puzzle ACCessible even to a seventh grader!

What are Snapchat Planets?

Snapchat Planets are unique symbols that appear in your Snapchat interface, next to friends’ names. These planets are more than just decorative; they represent different aspects of your interactions and relationships with those friends.

Each planet symbolizes a specific type of connection or interaction pattern you have with someone on Snapchat, such as frequency of communication, emotional exchanges, or the longevity of your friendship.

The appearance and type of planet can change based on how you interact with each friend, making your Snapchat experience more dynamic and personalized.

What Is the Friend Solar System?

The Friend Solar System on Snapchat is a playful and visual representation of your relationships within the app, using celestial bodies—like planets—to symbolize different aspects of your connections with friends. This feature categorizes your friends based on how you interact with them, assigning different planets and possibly other celestial symbols based on the nature and frequency of your interactions.

For instance, one friend might be represented by a planet that symbolizes frequent and lively exchanges (akin to Mars for its fiery nature), while another might be shown as a planet that represents a steady and reliable connection (like Earth). The idea is to give users a fun and intuitive way to see and understand the dynamics of their social interactions on Snapchat.

Each planet in your “Friend Solar System” can shift or change depending on how your interactions evolve over time, providing a dynamic and visually engaging way to reflect on your social connections.

Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning

In 2024, Snapchat continues to innovate how users perceive and interact with their friends through the playful use of symbolic planets.

Here’s an updated look at the order and meanings of Snapchat planets, helping users understand the dynamics of their connections in a more engaging way.


Mercury, dubbed The Chatter Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes rapid and frequent communication. It represents those vibrant and active dialogues where messages fly back and forth swiftly between friends.

  • Speed and responsiveness: Reflects the quick exchanges and lively conversations between you and your friend.

If Mercury appears next to a friend’s name, it indicates that you both engage in fast-paced, frequent messaging, keeping the conversation lively and ongoing.


Venus, known as The Heartfelt Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes deep emotional connections and affection. It represents friendships where exchanges are not just frequent but filled with personal and heartfelt content.

  • Emotional depth and warmth: Indicates a strong emotional bond, similar to the warmth and beauty associated with Venus, the goddess of love.

If Venus appears next to a friend’s name, it suggests your interactions are rich in emotions, sharing personal stories and mutual support.


Earth on Snapchat, known as The Solid Friend Planet, symbolizes stability and reliability in your friendships. It represents those dependable interactions where you can count on consistent communication, making it a cornerstone of your Snapchat social circle.

  • Stability and reliability: Reflects the grounded and steady nature of your friendship.
  • If Earth appears next to a friend’s name, it indicates a strong, dependable bond. This friend is someone you regularly interact with and rely on for meaningful conversations.


Mars, known as The Fiery Interaction Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes energetic and dynamic exchanges between friends. It captures the essence of active, perhaps competitive, interactions that are full of vitality.

  • Energy and competition: Reflects the intense and spirited nature of your interactions, akin to the aggressive and assertive attributes of Mars, the god of war.
  • If Mars appears next to a friend’s name, it indicates that your conversations are lively and may include friendly competition or spirited debates.


Jupiter, known as The Growth Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes the expansion and enrichment of friendships. It represents connections that are growing in depth and frequency, reflecting the positive development of these relationships.

  • Expansion and abundance: Mirrors the characteristics of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, known for its massive presence and influence.
  • If Jupiter appears next to a friend’s name, it signifies that your interaction with this friend is increasing, possibly in intimacy and shared experiences.


Saturn, recognized as The Time-Tested Bond Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes long-standing and enduring friendships. It represents relationships that have proven their durability and significance over time, much like the enduring presence of Saturn in the solar system.

  • Longevity and lessons learned: Reflects the maturity and wisdom gained through a sustained, long-term friendship.
  • If Saturn appears next to a friend’s name, it indicates a deep, stable connection that has stood the test of time, highlighting a friendship that’s as reliable as it is valuable.


Uranus, labeled as The Quirky Connection Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes friendships that are characterized by uniqueness and unexpected moments. It represents the unconventional and sometimes surprising nature of certain interactions, much like the planet Uranus, known for its distinct tilt and unusual rotation.

  • Uniqueness and surprises: Reflects the original and often unpredictable elements that these friendships bring into your life.
  • If Uranus appears next to a friend’s name, it suggests that your relationship with this person is filled with spontaneous and unconventional exchanges, making each interaction a fresh and exciting experience.


Neptune, known as The Dreamy Planet on Snapchat, symbolizes friendships filled with creativity, imagination, and dream-like interactions. It represents those connections where conversations and shared content often venture into artistic or fantastical realms, echoing Neptune’s association with mystery and illusion.

  • Creativity and imagination: Reflects the deep, imaginative, and often emotional qualities of your exchanges, inspired by Neptune’s mystical and elusive characteristics.
  • If Neptune appears next to a friend’s name, it indicates that your interactions are characterized by creative storytelling, imaginative ideas, or discussions that transport you to dreamy, abstract realms.

How Does Snapchat’s Friend Solar System Work?

Snapchat’s Friend Solar System is a feature that uses planets to symbolize your interactions with friends based on how you communicate and engage with them on the app. Here’s a brief overview of how it operates:

  1. Interaction Tracking: Snapchat monitors your messaging frequency, content type, and engagement levels with each friend.
  2. Planet Assignment: Depending on these interactions, a specific planet is assigned to each friend to represent the nature of your relationship, such as Mercury for frequent chats or Venus for emotional exchanges.
  3. Dynamic Updates: As your interaction patterns change, the planets may shift to better reflect your current relationship dynamics.
  4. Visual Representation: These planets are shown on your friend’s profile, providing a fun and easy way to see the nature of your friendships.
  5. Privacy: Only you can see the planets for your friends, ensuring your interaction insights remain private.

The Friend Solar System aims to make your Snapchat experience more engaging by visually representing and gamifying your friendship dynamics.

How Much Does A Snapchat+ Subscription Cost?

Here’s a table representing the typical subscription costs for Snapchat+ in different countries, broken down by monthly, six-month, and yearly plans. These figures are approximate and may vary based on promotions and regional pricing adjustments:

CountryMonthly CostSix-Month CostYearly Cost
United States$3.99$21.99$39.99
United Kingdom£3.99£21.49£38.99
CanadaCAD 4.99CAD 26.99CAD 48.99
AustraliaAUD 5.99AUD 32.99AUD 58.99

These prices are for general reference and should be checked for the latest updates directly from Snapchat, as they might offer different packages or promotions at different times.

How To Enable Snapchat Solar System Feature?

Currently, the Snapchat Solar System feature, which showcases the planets associated with friends based on your interaction patterns, doesn’t require manual activation. It’s automatically integrated within the Snapchat interface and becomes visible as you engage with friends on the platform. Here’s how you can ensure you’re set up to see this feature:

Steps to Ensure Visibility of the Snapchat Solar System:

Update Your App:

  • Make sure your Snapchat app is updated to the latest version. This ensures you have all the latest features, including any enhancements to the Friend Solar System.

Engage With Friends:

  • The more you chat, send snaps, and interact with friends, the more likely the system is to display planets next to their names. These planets reflect the nature and frequency of your interactions.

Check Friend Profiles:

  • To see any planets you might have with a friend, tap on their Bitmoji or profile icon to open their profile. If active, the planets will be displayed near their Snapchat score.

Regular Use:

  • Regular use of the app and maintaining diverse types of interactions (like sending snaps, chatting, or participating in group stories) can enhance the feature’s functionality, showing a richer solar system.

By following these steps, you can maximize your experience with the Snapchat Solar System feature. Keep engaging actively with your friends on Snapchat, and you’ll start to see how your relationships are categorized planet-wise based on your interaction patterns.

How To disable Snapchat Solar System Feature?

Currently, there isn’t an option to directly disable the Snapchat Solar System feature, as it’s integrated into the platform and automatically displays based on your interactions with friends. If you prefer not to see this feature, you can minimize its visibility indirectly by managing your interaction patterns or focusing on privacy settings:

Indirect Ways to Minimize Visibility:

  1. Reduce Interactions: Less frequent messaging and snapping with friends may lead to fewer dynamic changes in the displayed planets, effectively reducing the visibility of this feature.
  2. Adjust Privacy Settings: You can adjust who can interact with you or see your activity on Snapchat, which indirectly affects how the Solar System feature operates. This can be done by:
    • Going to your profile.
    • Tapping the settings gear.
    • Modifying your privacy settings under ‘Who Can…’.
  3. Provide Feedback: If you strongly feel the need for an option to disable this feature, consider providing feedback to Snapchat through the app. They often update and adjust features based on user input.

While these methods don’t disable the feature, they can help control its presence in your Snapchat experience.


The Snapchat Friend Solar System adds a creative and insightful layer to how users interact and perceive their connections within the app. By assigning celestial symbols like planets to friends based on interaction patterns, Snapchat not only gamifies social engagement but also helps users understand the dynamics of their relationships in a visually engaging way.

This feature encourages users to be more mindful and possibly adjust how they interact with others to enhance their connections. Overall, the Friend Solar System is a unique blend of fun and functionality, making Snapchat a more interactive and personalized social media experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Snapchat Solar System feature?

The Snapchat Solar System feature uses planets to symbolize different aspects of your interactions with friends on Snapchat. Each planet represents a specific type of interaction, like frequent messaging or emotional exchanges.

Can I disable the Snapchat Solar System feature?

As of now, there is no direct option to disable the Snapchat Solar System feature. It’s integrated into the app and automatically reflects your interaction patterns with friends.

How do planets appear next to my friends’ names?

Planets appear next to friends’ names based on your interaction patterns with them, such as how often you message them or the type of content you exchange. More interaction can lead to different planets appearing.

What does each planet in the Snapchat Solar System mean?

Each planet has a specific meaning: Mercury symbolizes quick communication, Venus indicates emotional connections, Earth represents stability, Mars shows lively interactions, and so forth.

How can I influence which planets appear in my Snapchat Solar System?

You can influence which planets appear by changing how you interact with friends. Increasing or varying your interactions, like sending more snaps or messages, can change the planets that are displayed.

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