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Should you used Twitter or Facebook for Business

Social media is a huge platform, where a person directly connects with other users living on the other edge world. It’s been evolving with time. People use social media to connect with friends, families, and colleges to share their daily stories with the online community.

Twitter vs Facebook: What’s the Difference?

Social media is not only used to make friends and family bonding but you can also use it to promote your business.
Are you looking for a way to get connected directly with your clients all over the world?

With millions of people, social media has become an easy way to promote your business. Many social media platforms enable you to make a strong connection between your brand and potential customers.

How to use social media platforms to promote your business?

Do you want to start off your social media journey? Which platform meets your target audience? Do you have an account on Facebook or Instagram?

Once you know the answers to the above-mentioned questions, the more easily you can hit the target audience on the right platform.

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Now dive into the deep sea of social media, and explore how much you can do for your business on famous platforms. Let’s have a look on following social media platforms to find effective ways for your business promotion.


According to Facebook Company, 1.65 billion users are active on this platform. Wait! If you’re thinking that people use it for personal use only then you’re wrong. They are not using Facebook for personal use but also use it to promote the business.

What does a Facebook Page do for your business?

Once you join Facebook, you can explore more facts about it. People follow your brand’s Facebook page and explore what you’re offering, packages, quality of products, and much more. This platform allows you to improve the user experience and tell your customers how much you care about them.

How Facebook can improve your services?

When people follow your business page, they stay up to date with your services and products. They will also leave comments and it makes a strong connection with your brand. Such reviews help you to find out what do customers want? Are they satisfied or want more services?


In recent history, how twitter has become for news distributed channel, no other platform appear in this way. It is considered as micro-blogging, with 140 characters to be re-tweeted or followed.

A quick way to share a short piece of information can increase the followers of your brand and gives you a worldwide identity so that you can take your business to a higher level.

How to make a convincing tweet for your business?

A tweet, a short piece of information can enhance the value of your business. Making a tweet means, make every word count so that it can grab the people’s attention and get clicks through.

Add the brand’s reflected images or a short video that can lead to generating more sales. Whether your tweet is short but it must be convincing and show the perspective of your business. A quick response to customer queries can also improve your customer service.

How to reach a wider audience beyond your followers?

With the use of # Hashtags, you can research your customer’s interest and what your customer’s persona hash-tagging. It will lead your post to be found by the right audience. To leverage these platforms, use social media marketing services, and promote creative posts to advertise your business!!!

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